Microbial Challenges In Designing Effective Retort and Pasteurization Processes

Microbial Challenges In Designing Effective Retort and Pasteurization Processes

Thermal processing is a critical method in food preservation, designed to ensure the safety and longevity of various food products. These high-temperature pasteurization/sterilization techniques are essential in eliminating pathogenic microorganisms that can cause spoilage and disease. However, thermal processing faces several microbial challenges that need to be meticulously managed to maintain food safety and quality.

Types of Microorganisms in Food Processing


Bacteria are the most significant microorganisms in food processing. While most bacteria are harmless and some are even beneficial, others can cause spoilage and diseases. Rod-shaped bacteria, such as those from the genera Bacillus and Clostridium, are particularly noteworthy in retort processing due to their ability to form spores. These spores can survive harsh conditions, including high heat, which makes them a primary concern. Depending on the type of food and the required shelf life, we must determine the extent of bacterial elimination necessary for our product.

Bacterial spores form under adverse conditions, such as extreme temperatures as a survival mechanism. These spores can withstand drying, freezing, chemicals, and even heat, reverting to active vegetative cells when conditions become favorable. So proper processing is extremely important to ensure that these are eliminated to ensure safety in the case of retorted products. In retort processing, controlling spore-forming bacteria like Clostridium botulinum (CBOT) is crucial, as their spores can survive traditional pasteurization and require the higher temperatures achieved in retort processing to be effectively destroyed.

Yeasts and Molds

Yeasts and molds can grow on various foods, equipment, and building surfaces, thriving where there are small amounts of nutrients and moisture. Although bacteria typically outnumber yeasts and molds due to faster growth rates, the latter can predominate in environments with low pH, moisture, or temperature, and high salt or sugar concentrations. This makes yeasts and molds significant in the spoilage of dry foods, salted fish, bread, pickles, fruits, jams, and jellies. So, in case of high-acid foods, in is important that all traces of yeasts and molds are eliminated. For low-acid food, the high temperatures applied in retort processing are substantially above their survival conditions. Therefore all yeast and mold cells are effectively eliminated along with other bacteria.


Viruses differ from bacteria, yeasts, and molds in that they cannot reproduce independently. They require a host cell to multiply, making them parasitic. Despite their inability to multiply in foods, viruses can remain viable and infectious for extended periods, even under adverse conditions such as drying, freezing, and pasteurization. Bacteriophages, a type of virus that infects bacteria, can disrupt the production of fermented products like cheese, buttermilk, sauerkraut, pickles, wine, and beer.

Temperature-Based Classification of Microorganisms

Microorganisms are classified based on their optimal growth temperatures:

  • Psychrophiles: Grow only at refrigeration temperatures.
  • Psychrotrophs: Grow well at refrigeration temperatures but better at room temperature.
  • Mesophiles: Grow best at or near human body temperature and well at room temperature. Most foodborne pathogens are mesophiles.
  • Thermophiles: Grow only at temperatures as hot as the human hand can endure and usually not at or below body temperature.

In food processing, it is recommended that any storage or holding of products should be done at 40°F or above 140°F to inhibit microbial growth. Psychrotrophs, which can grow in a wide temperature range, often cause spoilage at refrigeration temperatures and interfere with the growth of mesophilic foodborne pathogens.

The Impact of pH on Microbial Growth

pH significantly affects microbial growth. Most bacteria thrive at a neutral pH of around 7 and grow poorly or not at all below pH 4. Yeasts and molds, however, can dominate in low-pH environments where bacteria cannot compete. An important exception is lactic acid bacteria, which can grow in high-acid foods and produce acid, leading to products like sour milk, pickles, and fermented meats.

Low-acid foods (pH > 4.6) present a particular challenge in retort processing. Clostridium botulinum spores cannot grow at pH levels of 4.6 or less. Therefore, proper retorting is essential for low-acid foods to ensure all spores are destroyed.

High-acid foods (pH ≤ 4.6), on the other hand, can often be safely preserved with milder processes like pasteurization, as the acidic environment inhibits the growth of bacterial spores.

Mean pH Values of Selected Foods (Lopez, 1987)

pH Value

Selected Foods


Lemon juice (2.3), Cranberry sauce (2.3)


Rhubarb (3.1)
Applesauce (3.4), Cherries, RSP (3.4)
Berries (3.0 – 3.9), Sauerkraut (3.5)Peaches (3.7), Orange juice (3.7)
Apricots (3.8)


Cabbage, red (4.2), Pears (4.2)
Tomatoes (4.3)


Ravioli (4.6)
Pimientos (4.7)


Spaghetti in tomato sauce (4.9)
Figs (5.0)Onions (5.2)
Carroes (5.2)
Green Beans (5.3), Beans with pork (5.3)Asparagus (5.5), Potatoes (5.5)


Lima beans (5.9), Tuna (5.9), Tamales (5.9)
Codfish (6.0), Sardines (6.0), Beef (6.0)
Pork (6.1), Evaporated milk (6.1)
Frankfurters (6.2), Chicken (6.2)
Corn (6.3)
Salmon (6.4)


Crabmeat (6.8), Milk (6.8)
Ripe olives (6.9)
Hominy (7.0)

The Effect of Temperature on Microbial Survival

Heat is the most practical and effective method for destroying microorganisms. The rate of microbial cell death increases significantly with temperature. Pasteurization, which involves heating food to 140°F for 30 minutes or 161°F for 16 seconds, is sufficient to kill vegetative cells of disease-causing microorganisms, yeasts, molds, and spoilage bacteria. However, pasteurization temperatures are not high enough to kill bacterial spores.

Retort processing involves heating food to 240°F or 250°F for a considerable duration, sometimes an hour or more, depending on the product and container size. This higher temperature is necessary to ensure the destruction of heat-resistant spores, especially those of Clostridium botulinum, which produces a potent neurotoxin.


Microbial challenges in retort processing are complex and multifaceted. Understanding the types of microorganisms involved, their growth conditions and the influence of pH and temperature on their survival is essential for effective food preservation. Therefore, these factors should be carefully studied for each product before deciding on the thermal process. The decided process factors like holding temperature, holding time, ingredients, pre-processing methods, initial temperature before thermal processing is started, and temperature food is held before processing are crucial for the taste and quality of the food product. Extensive heat penetration studies should be done to optimize for maximum taste and quality. Retort processing remains a cornerstone of food safety, particularly for low-acid foods, where its rigorous standards are necessary to prevent spoilage and foodborne illnesses.

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